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Vegetable, Herb & Fruit Planting Guide


This guide is the ultimate resource for gardeners in arid regions with hot summers and mild winters. It was designed specifically for the low desert of Arizona.
(The low desert includes elevations below 3500 ft in the Southwest, such as the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas.)

This Vegetable, Herb & Fruit Planting Guide features information on how and when to start seeds indoors and when to transplant them outside for nearly 100 different fruits, vegetables, and herbs. It also offers time-tested advice and tips for arid climates with mild winters.

One of the key highlights of this guide is the detailed Square Foot Garden Guide, a perfect tool to maximize your garden production while minimizing the space used.

This 6x9 inch guide features 100-pound heavy-weight paper coated with 5ml lamination and bound with a coil edge. It's built to last.

• Planting guides are shipped via Media Mail - please allow up to 3-5 days for the guide to arrive after ordering.
• No refunds or exchanges. If your order arrives damaged, please let me know.
• This is only a guide; dates are approximate & results are not guaranteed. Use your judgment if it is unseasonably hot or cold.

What’s the difference between the Guide and the Calendar?

The Calendar organizes crops by month, making it simple to plan your garden month by month. The Guide, on the other hand, organizes crops by plant, giving you a comprehensive view of the entire year's planting schedule for each specific crop.

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